Synergy Through Understanding....
Synergy Through Understanding....
Currently Providing
full time training support services to the U.S. Army SERE School at Fort Novosel, Alabama. 7D will support the conduct of the SERE Level–C Course in accordance with Joint and Army Personnel Recovery Doctrine in order to train service members, DOD Civilians, and contractors who are identified as being at high risk of isolation on the Code of Conduct and tactics, techniques, and procedures of survival, escape, resistance, and evasion, enabling them to survive isolation and captivity to “Return with Honor.” (2024 - present)
Currently Providing
several, non personal training services in order to provide exercise management, role player, subject matter expertise and support for assessment, selection, and training conducted by the John Fitzgerald Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School. 7D conducts training support for field and situational training exercises which provide the depth and realism necessary to portray an adaptable training environment that focuses on achieving a desired outcome. The in-role instruction during training events is provided by subject matter experts who provide candidates a guided experimental learning event to unfold so that each exercise becomes a unique learning environment specifically suited to the performance and capabilities of the student. (2022 - present)
Currently Providing the USAF Expeditionary Operations Center of Excellence with full time subject matter expert instructors logistical support, multiple role players in order to provide classroom instruction and field training exercises to enhance the knowledge and skills required to survive and operate in the ongoing major efforts across the contingency operations spectrum. 7D conducts training support for field and situational training exercises which provide the depth and realism necessary to portray an adaptable training environment that focuses on achieving a desired outcome.(2021 - present)
Currently a General Service Contract Act Holder under Contract# 47QREA19D000W. (2020 - present)
Currently Providing Full Time and Part Time Exercise Personnel and Role Players in support of the Episodic RAVEN exercise that providing MARSOC with realistic, specialized training preparing them for various situations and operations encountered while deployed. (June 2022 - Present)
Currently Providing Providing SME pre-conflict Irregular Warfare Instructors and cultural role players to the Air Advisor Course focused on training select students in five core functions while working with our Partner Nations “assess, train, advise, assist and equip”. The cultural role players teach the core region knowledge and cultural training skills for working with PN forces in the specific areas assigned in order to operate in the ongoing major efforts across the contingency operations spectrum. (2021-Present)
Providing instructor and administrative support for the training, testing, certification and execution of a prolonged field care exercise. (2017-2022)
Providing instructor and role player support to the execution of the MARSOC Team Commanders Enhanced Communication Course. (2014-2019)
Providing instructors and curriculum developers to the Joint Special Operations Medical Training Center. (2015-2019)
Providing full time technical and clerical personnel to provide loan and issue services, “point of issue” instruction, design & fabrication of training aids and expert instruction onsite. (2018-present)
Providing full time photography, audio, video and media production for the Defense Language Institute and the US Army Garrison Presidio of Monterey. (2017-2018)
Providing IT specialists performing desktop support, portal service management, web based application, database development and portable devise management. (2017-2021)
Base Training and Education Services. Provide Technical Support and Help Desk Services to the installation education office providing continued professional development at the Airman Leadership School and civilian education programs in support of the 27th Special Operations Wing. (2019 - present)
Conducted scenario development and exercise execution of multiple iterations of medical training and predeployment evaluations of Marine Special Operations Teams that included instructors, role players and moulage artists. (March 2020)
Conducting Warehouse support services for the Marine Corps Security Force Regiment. Maintaining accountability and distribution of individual combat clothing and equipment material from the Regimental Individual Issue Facility. The Regimental IIF contains over 300 individual NSN line items and 27,000 individual pieces of equipment. Supporting an average of 400 ICCE issues per month. (2020-Present)
Providing full time IT Help Desk Technicians that provide computer technology support and
assistance to the Base Training and
Education Services (BTES) Office at Cannon AFB (2019-present)
Development of a Prolonged Field Care Training Module that incorporates modeling and simulation for use in Military Medical Education and Training Programs. (2018-2021)
Providing Explosive Technical Experts to the ATF - National Center for Explosive Training and Research providing explosives research and capability development. (2015-2019)
Providing full time operational support SMEs in a variety of fields conducting activities and operations globally. (2018-2020)
Providing instructors and logistics to Naval Special Warfare Group 2 in support of jungle Warfare Training for riverine, survival, communications, equipment and health. (June 2015)
Providing MARSOC Marine Raider Training Center full time medical instructors and clinical support staff to the Luke Milam Medical Clinic. (2018-2019)
Provide episodic instructors and support personnel to the 38th ParaRescue Squadron for basic through advanced skills sets. (2015-2019)
Providing full time instructors to Task Force Marshall for the conduct of year round pre-deployment training of over 1600 US Army Reserves and Navy individual augmentees. (2016-2018)
Conducted scenario development, individual and unit training on the operational use in urban environments for the II Marine Expeditionary Unit for surveillance and photography. (June 2015)